Saturday, September 16, 2006

How wrong things can go

This may seem akward to some people (as it was for me few days back)--People can come to office so what they can enjoy the life....... No i dont say that Office has some good way to keep you amused...... I just want to clearify one think that life can get so boring at times that even places like your office seems the place to be....
And i live in a place that is not safe to go back in the night .I dont know about thieves. But definitely dogs barking around and not a single man in the site is never makes things easy . Still i ususllly prefer going back late at night.Not that i have a huge work load..Neither that i dont fear.It is just that my lonelyness killing me. I can go early .But cant stay at home for long. Hey someome out there please help me.....
( for those who dont know me well i am a guy who hard came out of room while in IT-BHU, even if a cricket match is on)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

u need to come out of claustrophobia..I know its hard to come out of old ways that we had been to for the past 4 years in IT BHU.anyways u are the best judge !!!


12:30 PM  

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