Sunday, December 21, 2014


Saturday, October 13, 2007

20 twenty Vs Cricket

Indian cricket is no better than a coquette. When you think finally some sincere imporvement has come around then next result will leave you no less than aghast. After roaring at the 20 Twenty world cup they are back to there innocous best. The emotional fools that we indians are also make things worse. In no time our plaudit turns into unsavoury acrimony.Media also leaves no stone unturned in burlesquing the effort of the players. Yesterdays national heros are todays cause of chagrin for all of us. Anyway my point here is not to change indian mentality . I am just concerned wheather the hullaballoo caused by indians 20twenty world cup win was worth it? Going by the clangor it creates it can surely create a blase attitude towards the ODIs leave apart the test matches. 20twenty can definitly put cricket in a competative position with football in the sport map seeing the popularity its already getting. So most probably this verson of the play is here to stay and if we are doing good in it its definitly heartening. This version is terse, demanding and excitment is filled in every sencond of it. But in my personal view it lacks the quality that made cricket stand apart. Cricket is not just a game of power like football. Its more about class. Its more about application rather than stamina. With such a short height and unsporty body schine couldnot have been a cult in any other game. Ofcourse anyone can retort yuvi hit those six sixes all with panache . It was flair,not just power play. still it does lacked the mental game. We can see the ball flying past the boundry lines more no of times in a 20 over innings than the whole 50 overs. Ofcourse its in a way boon for the cricket also. Beacuse it was getting too predictable with oz's have a serious advantage in the mental battle. so this puts the fighting in a more even ground. it was quite evident in this world cup. The consucative 3 times world champions thrashed thrice in this world cup. So cricket can all again be called GAME OF UNPREDICTABILITY.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Harry and We

I don’t exactly follow the Harry potter series. Still I do know who Harry, Hermione and Ron are. Hope you also know them. The story has some how taken an unexpected veer --- Hermione loves Ron over Harry. The relation between Harry and Hermione is only platonic.
I never expected Hermione will love Ron if not Harry .But the funny thing is that this affair has become so famous that there is a full site devoted to the discussion of this topic only. And people are eagerly discussing the repercussion, ramification and of course the future of Harry, Ron and Hermione .Who is actually going to get whom. After going through the site I was trying to measure leverage lady JKR is enjoying over now a day's people. I thought anyways that’s a story. So she can give any turn to the tale she wants. She can even make Hermione lesbo—in her next episode. I don’t think we can logical find a solution to the problem imposed in the story.
By writing this I wanted to make a simple point to those who feel only Indian have loads of time to waste that Americans do enjoy their share of time to waste. They don’t like cricket as we people do still they have their ways of wasting time ..the precious time

Friday, September 22, 2006

The Devil....

If you have not heard ..You got to know this frace. We know the antagonistism shown by the representative of our nation in the parliament. Here is a instance to know how the representatives of different nations are in skirmish with each other In UN. And ofcourse at the recieving end it was no other than " Mr Bush".
Speaking on Wednesday from the same lectern Bush had occupied the day before, President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela announced, to gasps and even giggles: “The devil came here yesterday, right here". “It smells of sulfur still today, this table that I am now standing in front of,” he said.
And more importantly --The gasps. The horrified giggles. The loud applause that lasted so long that the organisation’s officials had to tell the cheering group to cut it out.
I dont want to go into the politics behind this. Still i think this one apposite way of lashing out someone rather than showing him chair or micro-phone like what our politicians perfer..

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sports this month(tennis F1 & cricket)

This month the sports arena was in a blast with all my personal favorites reigning in there field of sport.
Frist news from U.S. open. Very few would have expected an impediment in the stair ways of Roger Federer to his heaven.But more happier news came form the woman's single and men's double. After 2004 wimblemdon it was once again Maria O'Maria in the u.s. open when she crushed henin harden in the final and made it clear that the wimbledom win was not a fluke. The win of Pess in mens double was kind of personal satisfaction for me. Becouse i believe that pess is still by-far the best tennis player India is having rite now. If i am not wrong 2001 was the last time pess won a grand slam and in these years sania mirza and mahesh bhupatia was taking all the new headlines. But with the win Pess has again proved he is still there , there at the top.
It is party time in the F1 raceville. The king Schumacher finally made clear at Italian grand pre that he will hang downhis helmet next year but only in his vintage style. In the middle of the poddium with the thumps up and with the usual smile on.
Master sachin raising his bat for the 40th time couldn't have come on a better time. He was in the usual artist touch on his so called return match. Only difference was his raised bat seemed more like the fore-finger to them who were questioning his abilities rather than the usual thumps up. He was kind of sending message to those people " If you dont understand and can't appreciate crickect then go and start watching some other sport where fittness has more value than CLASS".